Goodnight Burbank

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This Promax award-winning :55 promo proves why Goodnight Burbank is the most fairestist and balancized newscast on TV. Forget Bill O'Riley, Anderson Cooper and Ryan Seacrest. And don't spare another thought for Ann Coulter, Katie Couric and Matt Lauer. Visit for the full story, tonight and every night. Except the nights we're not on.

And do not mind this stuff - podshow wants it: Podshow PDN {podshow-165f2a73478d2a25ab7e3d64a4e5a478}

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At the 2006 Vloggies

Hayden at the vloggies

Goodnight Burbank wins Vloggie for Best News Series on the Web.

Promo Video

Goodnight Burbank Promo

This Promax award- winning :55 promo proves why Goodnight Burbank is the most fairitist and balancized newscast on TV. And be sure to come back to this website for all new stories, tonight and every night. Except the nights we're not on.